FRONTLINE SOLDIER - METAL COMMANDER WAR is a modern action-packed run n gun warfare game. Establish bases in enemy territory and engage in high octane combat missions to win over their bases.
You are the Frontline Soldier and an army commander who will lead his commando army to victory in war against resilient enemies.
The enemy has taken our fellow soldiers as hostage, it is time to wear your armor, pick up your weapons and gear up to fight an intense battle against enemy’s military. Your brothers are in distress use your arms to rescue them, kill opposing forces and have a shot at destroying the enemy base.
Once you enter the battlefield, take a hardline approach and keep moving, shooting any enemies on your way and call allies if you need any help. Pick up packs of ammo to get additional ammo and mini medkits to restore health to get back to duty. Remember one thing commander, if you see the enemy base you have to shoot at it until there is nothing left because there is no room for mercy. So, bomb the enemy base and keep moving forward with your squad.
Upgrade your hero and allies to become even more destructible. Command an arsenal of lethal weapons– hand guns, assault rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, flame thrower, etc., use them to counter the opposing force or to strike at them in order to conquer enemy territories.
Frontline Soldier Features:
• FREE TO PLAY, lifelong! Simple, intuitive and addictive gameplay.
• 35 fast-paced action-packed levels! Lock n load!
• Act as alone or call allies, the choice is yours.
• A wide variety of weapons to unlock and choose from.
• 10 unique allies to your aid – for a few coins, have choppers and tanks by your side!
• Mighty and aggressive enemies of both types – ground and air!
• Many a tower to strengthen your defense and attack zone.
• Stunning visuals!
• Intense music and blasting SFX!
• Much More….
Story: You play a wounded world war hero who swears to bring justice to his homeland. You find yourself in enemy territory, just outlived a battle and ready to strike back. Plan your strategy, strengthen your defence force and wipe out the enemy heroes in this thrilling and fast-paced free shooter game.
Micro management within the game enables you, the player, to make your own strategy and control the hardness in the game. This allows you to define your own pace. But for all you know, there is no time! Incredible battles and nail-biting combats make for an epic action game.
Prove your metal when the world is at war, gear up, act solid to win a major medal of success and bring glory to the nation. Honor those generals who have perished in the mayhem.
Match your skills with the number of kills with players across the world in our Leaderboards!
So what are you waiting for, Private? Download now and enjoy the game! Over and out!
FRONTLINE SOLDIER - METAL COMMANDER WAR adalah tindakan-dikemas run n perang pistol permainan modern. Membangun pangkalan di wilayah musuh dan terlibat dalam misi oktan tempur tinggi untuk memenangkan basis mereka.
Anda adalah Soldier Frontline dan seorang komandan militer yang akan memimpin pasukan komando untuk kemenangan dalam perang melawan musuh tangguh.
Musuh telah mengambil sesama tentara kami sebagai sandera, sekarang saatnya untuk memakai armor, mengambil senjata dan bersiap untuk melawan pertempuran yang intens terhadap militer musuh. saudara Anda yang dalam kesusahan gunakan lengan Anda untuk menyelamatkan mereka, membunuh kekuatan yang berlawanan dan memiliki tembakan untuk menghancurkan basis musuh.
Setelah Anda memasukkan medan perang, mengambil pendekatan garis keras dan terus bergerak, menembak musuh di jalan dan memanggil sekutu jika Anda memerlukan bantuan. Ambil bungkus amunisi untuk mendapatkan amunisi tambahan dan mini medkits untuk memulihkan kesehatan untuk kembali ke tugas. Ingat satu komandan hal, jika Anda melihat basis musuh Anda harus menembak sampai tidak ada yang tersisa karena tidak ada ruang untuk belas kasihan. Jadi, mengebom basis musuh dan terus bergerak maju dengan skuad Anda.
Meng-upgrade pahlawan Anda dan sekutu untuk menjadi lebih dirusak. Perintah gudang senjata mematikan weapons- tangan, senapan serbu, senapan, peluncur roket, pelempar api, dll, menggunakannya untuk melawan pasukan lawan atau menyerang mereka untuk menaklukkan wilayah musuh.
Frontline Fitur Soldier:
• GRATIS BERMAIN, seumur hidup! Sederhana, intuitif dan adiktif gameplay.
• 35 tingkat tindakan-dikemas cepat! Kunci n beban!
• Bertindak sebagai sendiri atau panggilan sekutu, pilihan adalah milikmu.
• Berbagai macam senjata untuk membuka dan memilih dari.
• 10 sekutu unik untuk bantuan Anda - untuk beberapa koin, memiliki helikopter dan tank di sisi Anda!
• musuh Perkasa dan agresif dari kedua jenis - darat dan udara!
• Banyak menara untuk memperkuat zona pertahanan dan menyerang Anda.
• Stunning visual!
• musik Intens dan peledakan SFX!
• Lebih banyak….
Cerita: Anda memainkan terluka dunia pahlawan perang yang bersumpah untuk membawa keadilan ke tanah airnya. Anda menemukan diri Anda di wilayah musuh, hanya hidup lebih lama pertempuran dan siap untuk menyerang kembali. Merencanakan strategi Anda, memperkuat kekuatan pertahanan Anda dan menghapus pahlawan musuh dalam mendebarkan ini dan serba cepat penembak permainan gratis.
manajemen mikro dalam permainan memungkinkan Anda, pemain, untuk membuat strategi Anda sendiri dan mengontrol kekerasan dalam permainan. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan kecepatan Anda sendiri. Tapi untuk semua yang Anda tahu, tidak ada waktu! pertempuran luar biasa dan memerangi menggigit kuku membuat sebuah game aksi epik.
Buktikan logam Anda ketika dunia sedang berperang, bersiap, bertindak solid untuk memenangkan medali utama keberhasilan dan membawa kemuliaan bagi bangsa. Menghormati mereka jenderal yang telah tewas dalam kekacauan.
Sesuai dengan keahlian Anda dengan sejumlah membunuh dengan pemain di seluruh dunia dalam leaderboards kami!
Jadi apa yang Anda tunggu, Swasta? Download sekarang dan menikmati permainan! Atas dan keluar!
FRONTLINE SOLDIER - METAL COMMANDER WAR is a modern action-packed run n gun warfare game. Establish bases in enemy territory and engage in high octane combat missions to win over their bases.
You are the Frontline Soldier and an army commander who will lead his commando army to victory in war against resilient enemies.
The enemy has taken our fellow soldiers as hostage, it is time to wear your armor, pick up your weapons and gear up to fight an intense battle against enemy’s military. Your brothers are in distress use your arms to rescue them, kill opposing forces and have a shot at destroying the enemy base.
Once you enter the battlefield, take a hardline approach and keep moving, shooting any enemies on your way and call allies if you need any help. Pick up packs of ammo to get additional ammo and mini medkits to restore health to get back to duty. Remember one thing commander, if you see the enemy base you have to shoot at it until there is nothing left because there is no room for mercy. So, bomb the enemy base and keep moving forward with your squad.
Upgrade your hero and allies to become even more destructible. Command an arsenal of lethal weapons– hand guns, assault rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, flame thrower, etc., use them to counter the opposing force or to strike at them in order to conquer enemy territories.
Frontline Soldier Features:
• FREE TO PLAY, lifelong! Simple, intuitive and addictive gameplay.
• 35 fast-paced action-packed levels! Lock n load!
• Act as alone or call allies, the choice is yours.
• A wide variety of weapons to unlock and choose from.
• 10 unique allies to your aid – for a few coins, have choppers and tanks by your side!
• Mighty and aggressive enemies of both types – ground and air!
• Many a tower to strengthen your defense and attack zone.
• Stunning visuals!
• Intense music and blasting SFX!
• Much More….
Story: You play a wounded world war hero who swears to bring justice to his homeland. You find yourself in enemy territory, just outlived a battle and ready to strike back. Plan your strategy, strengthen your defence force and wipe out the enemy heroes in this thrilling and fast-paced free shooter game.
Micro management within the game enables you, the player, to make your own strategy and control the hardness in the game. This allows you to define your own pace. But for all you know, there is no time! Incredible battles and nail-biting combats make for an epic action game.
Prove your metal when the world is at war, gear up, act solid to win a major medal of success and bring glory to the nation. Honor those generals who have perished in the mayhem.
Match your skills with the number of kills with players across the world in our Leaderboards!
So what are you waiting for, Private? Download now and enjoy the game! Over and out!